Enrichment Classes

Create the Life of Your Dreams!
Classes can be purchased and viewed at any time.
Live Your Dream Life!
Join LuAnn Cibik, Master Educator of Interior Alignment(R), to learn about the various tools used by professional feng shui practitioners in order to allow your home to become a template for your soul’s dreams.
These are powerful self empowerment courses, with a variety of 1-5 hour workshops on numurous of topics. Each is targeted to have you understand the concepts and be able to apply the learning to your own home. Many include handouts, workbooks and more to enrich your learning!
Learn at your own pace… and step by step make changes in your own home from all the professional level tips.
Scroll down the page to see the offerings! Live ZOOM and in person workshops are announced on LuAnn’s Newsletter and Facebook Page.
What Student Say…
LuAnn is a phenomenal teacher and mentor. You not only complete her courses as a competent practitioner, but also as a better version on you!
LuAnn is inspiring in her courses and her teaching style is made to dive deeply into your own self, so you can pass on the skills and breathe of knowledge to others. Her courses, … you always learn so much more about yourself, your strengths, wisdom and the values your hold close.
“LuAnn has an amazing ability to create magical environments, where she shares her vast knowledge and experience in fun and easy to understand ways. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed every class I’ve taken with her! “
The Feng Shui course was awesome! A million thanks for working with us! The good news is that I had my first organizing job through my business Viva Organizing!! I’ve been helping others unclutter and organize off and on for a while but this was the first officially through my business. And now I’m looking forward to implementing what I learned in the workshop to continue the success. One thing you said that I will always remember is “Results equal Feng Shui + Intention + Action”. SO true and important! Thank you for sharing your time and wisdom!
Live Your Dream Life On Demand Courses:

Use the Secrets of Feng Shui to Create the Life of your Dreams!
Join LuAnn to learn about the various tools use by professional feng shui practitioners in order to allow your home to become a template for your soul’s dreams.
The class is recorded in two 2.5 sections with a break in between in order for you to process the learning of the first class and come back for more advanced information and techniques to empower your dream life!
People with all levels of feng shui knowledge will find content here to enhance their understanding of:
- The components of feng shui and the energy surrounding your home that can be impacting your life
- Power of Command position and the Power position in every room
- The magic map of the home, called the Bagua, and the meaning each of those areas has on your life. Understand your home from basement to attic and the implications on your life
- Discover what rooms in your home have the most impact on the life of your dreams
- The power of gratitude and intention altars in the home
- Learn how to apply the bagua to complex floorplans, and submit your floorplan to be potentially used as an example of laying out the bagua.
- Ways to adjust for bonus and missing areas.
- Understand for each area of the bagua the elements, colors, numerology, stones, symbolism, geometry and even textures that enhance the energy of each space.
Course tuition : $88

Feng Shui tips to make the most of the Wood Snake Year!
- How to Prepare for the new year
- What to expect this year. Keywords are transformation, mystical, learning, creativity and your reputation in the world.
- How to plan your life this year to ride the best energy.
50 minutes of information and insight!
Course tuition : $33

When you hear the term Feng Shui, what do you think? Most people think feng shui is just to create money, power and success.
But isn’t what we really all want is Joy? That means that whatever brings you personally joy , we can look at the tools of Feng Shui to manifest more joy in your life.
In this 2 hour recorded workshop, you will learn the basic tools of feng shui, and then how to use them to manifest what brings you joy. The fuel for creation is working with gratitude. Learn how to program the energy of gratitude into your home and life.
You will learn:
- Discovering what joy feels like for you, at this time in your life.
- Working with the magical bagua map and what it’s various areas mean in representing joy in your life
- What to do with the five elements, and how they can be symbolized to make your space feel good and manifest what you desire
- What do when you can’t change much in your home, but you still want to manifest joy
- How to plug into the juice of Gratitude
- And Much More!
You will receive a questionnaire, to help you identify the most important places to start in your home’s transformation. This class was iffered live in August of 2024. The first two hours will be recorded so that even if you cannot attend the live, you can have this valuable information to work with. For those purchasing this course later, you have a special offer to have a one on one 30 minute joy consultation with LuAnn as a special price of $75.

Join LuAnn Cibik, Master Educator of Interior Alignment, to learn about the various tools use by professional space clearing practitioners in order to clear the energy of your home and program it’s energy for the life of your dreams.
This class is held in 4 sections with over 4 hours of audio content and a separately recorded space clearing journey to use with your home using a special finger mapping method for sensing and clearing energy.
When you have shifted your life, or gone through life changing events, a ceremony and space clearing in your home can assist you in moving forward:
- Learn what space clearing is, and what it does in a home
- Power of Ceremony to process and fully release the past in order to move forward into a magnificent future
- How to use various tools for space clearing, and why you might choose specific types of tools for the best clearing
- Learn the four step to creating a powerful clearing that lasts into the future
- Practice a floorplan finger mapping technique of clearing on your own home to discover areas that need more attention or items that need to be released of moved.
- Discover where the energy blockages are in your home, and how to adjust them
- How to create a home intention altar, it’s best placement and how it can energize your whole home
- Ways to use crystals, bells, singing bowls, gongs, essential oils, feathers, drums, incense, sage, palo santo, chimes, tuning forks and much more.
Course tuition : $88

Oh LuAnn! It was wonderful! So much really helpful, useful information! It was just perfect!
I loved it, ….We lost my dad October 8th, and I would love to share some of the ideas with my mom as this is her first Christmas alone. Thanks for all of the wonderful information
Feng Shui to Survive a Tough Holiday Season
The holiday season is upon us, and for many it can be a challenging time. Whether you have grief over losses, or family dynamics that make you cringe, creating support for yourself through your home is essential. Your home should be your sanctuary. And if you are hosting holiday festivities, you can use the power of feng shui to set the mood and intentions for the gathering.
Using the power of feng shui , sound , and crystals you can bring harmony and positive energy into your holiday season.
Your home should be your sanctuary! Learn how to create a peaceful and balanced environment using these ancient practices. Discover how to enhance your home with the right placement of objects, experience the soothing effects of sound healing, and harness the energy of crystals for a joyful holiday season.
Learn how to use seasonal décor, color, sound, and the power of crystals. Learn how to clear the energy of sadness and anger, and reset your home as a peaceful sanctuary. Even if you cannot make décor changes to where you live, you will learn how to use the energy of nature to give you support wherever you go.
Class was recorded in December 2024. One you pay the tuition a link will be sent with the recording of the 50 minute class, and the PDF of the presentation for your ease of having the information.
Course tuition : $33

Stones and Crystals to Manifest your Dream Life
Join LuAnn Cibik, Master Educator of Interior Alignment®, to learn about how the stones and crystals can be used in feng shui, space clearing and personal empowerment and talismans in your daily life.
“If you have collected stones and crystals and you are really not sure why you have them or everything you might use them for, this class is for you.
This class dives into how to utilize our stone family friends in feng shui as adjustments and enhancements, and what the stones in your home are already doing. You will learn how to use the mineral world as a part of your space clearing allies. And how to wear your rockin’ friends for empowerment.”
The class in recorded in two 2.5 sections in order for you to process the learning of the morning and come back to the afternoon of more advanced information and techniques to empower your dream life.
People with all levels of crystal knowledge will find content here to enhance their understanding of:
- What are the stones you absolutely need in your personal arsenal.
- How to care for your crystal and stone friends
- Learn the various families of minerals and how they can be your friends
- How you can use stones in feng shui without having your home look like a crystal shop ( not that there is anything wrong with that)
- Ways to make crystals grids for your home with protective power
- Stones that work as space clearing tools, and how to best use them
- Stones for better sleep and powerful dreams
- Gem Elixirs – pros and cons
- Stones for enhancing your mental outlook
- Ways to include stones in your daily life
Course tuition : $88

The Magic of Color for your Dream Life
LuAnn is certified in Colour Therapeutics for the Home, and a Master Educator of Interior Alignment(R) Feng Shui and Space Clearing. She has studied as a Certified Color Expert with the Home Staging Resources, and has used color extensively with her Fashion Feng Shui Clients ( which she was certified in with Evana Maggiore in 2011) So color is one of the main vibrations that she has found you can work with to instantly change the energy of your space and your life.
The class is 4.5 hours long, broken into sections so that you can learn at your own pace.
Whether you are in the profession of recommending color, or someone terrified of making the wrong choice, you will find value in these topics:
- What IS color… the science behind the wavelengths of color and why this is important to know
- How we ‘feel’ color and experience it’s energy
- A review of all the rainbow colors and a few more; how they make us feel, and their best uses in your home and life
- How to active color in your home for feng shui adjustments and enhancements using the 5 element system and the bagua
- Working with your chakra energy and ways to adjust this with color
- Why understanding your essence, personal intentions and physical color can help you choose the colors that support you the best in your wardrobe.
- The many ways to bring color into a space clearing, and why you should
- Learning your personal power colors for healing, strength and empowerment
- Understanding the importance of light when working with colors in your home
- What colors to avoid when you are feeling depressed, low energy, angry, tense, or overwhelmed
- Why decorating trends might challenge your personal energy because of the colors used, what the colors of 2021 may make you feel
- Ways to introduce colors into your life without changing your home or wardrobe
You have access to LuAnn’s Week of Rainbows online color course with a fun journey through the rainbow with images, colors, sounds and much more!
You have a downloadable Magic of Color workbook to use to color, journal, and keep all your notes as your learn more and more about color and what colors to create your dream life!
Course tuition : $88

Magic Class 101 – Moon Magic with the Full Moon energy
This 1 hour workshop will teach you the reasons why we work with the time around the full moon to work with intention, space clearing, and the charging and clearing of rocks and crystals.
Learn basic but important steps in harnessing the power of the moon, and holding it’s energy all month long.
Class tuition: $25 with lifetime access!

Do you want to manifest your dream life in 2023?
This online and interactive 3 hour workshop will teach you the steps you can take to welcome in the year of the Rabbit. The sign of Rabbit is a symbol of longevity, peace, and prosperity in Chinese culture.This workshop is a comprehensive look at the energy of the coming year, and the changes you may want to make in your home to support this year and your own personal goals.
You will learn what areas of your home, and also what specific rooms are key to have at their best in this year. Discover ways to create ceremony around welcoming in the year, and ways to honor the year that has just ended. We will be talking specifically about how to create KINDNESS as well as health, vitality, peace and prosperity through feng shui, that can be applied to any year.
If you wish to have a mini consultation like the case study in the class, students of this class can have a private mini 30 minute consultation with LuAnn for $50.
Do you want to manifest the best year of your life in 2023? Join LuAnn in this powerful 3+ hour workshop will give you the knowledge and steps to take to welcome in this year, and make the magical changes needed to navigate this year for health, wealth and peace!
Class tuition: $88 with handouts and class recording available to watch later. (Live course option has passed)
I would love if we could keep in touch!
825 Lovers Leap Rd
Leechburg PA 15656
(724) 315-2428