Soul Coaching ®

Harmony in your Life
Find More Joy in Your Life
If you are perfectly happy with your life, then read no further.
But…. if you desire something more, something different, then consider working with me to create the life of your dreams.
Soul Coaching® is a method of assist you listen to your own Soul’s wisdom. When things just don’t feel ‘right’ in life, much of the time it’s because we have blocked our Soul’s truth. We might have done that from some mental programming that we adopted, or from making choices in life that are not in alignment with our core values. We might be living our live according to someone else’s beliefs, that we have adopted, without realizing that these belief are not universal truths.
Soul Coaching® is a perfect choice when you are making major shifts in life. New career (at any age), new relationship status (married, separated, divorced), new roles ( mother, widow, empty-nester), or any new identity you wish to step into (healthy and vibrant, not a victim, etc). It helps us envision how we want our life to FEEL, and then take the steps to get from here to there. We change patterns, face fears, and release old mental habits that kept us trapped.
Coaching can be one on one single service type sessions, or done in a program of 6 sessions. There are a variety of modalities we might use, such as card reading, guided journeys, and processes to find your own soul’s truth.
Coaching services are $225 per session, done via ZOOM. 6 week programs are $1099 and include 28 daily meditations, projects, exercises and processes for a deeper dive into self exploration. These program can also include feng shui tips and other recommendations to help you solidify your new amazing path in life!
I would love if we could keep in touch!
825 Lovers Leap Rd
Leechburg PA 15656
(724) 315-2428