For better energy in your home or life
These are products custom created by LuAnn for you!
Sacred Circles Jewelry – LuAnn has sourced some amazing crystal and stone jewelry that makes amazing talisman and empowerment pieces. These unique pieces are cleared, blessed and named and then placed for ‘adoption’. She also custom creates bracelets, using faceted Czech beads and natural gemstone, and your specific intentions. Goddess Oracle cards are pulled at the onset of the bracelets creation to know which goddess supports your intentions, and what message she has for you. Jewelry is created at the new moon or full moon based on the types of intentions. Essential oils, music, and focused prayer and intentions are all a part of the bracelets creation. Bracelets start at $88.
Essential Oils Perfume and Spray blends – Essential oils hold not just the scent but the life force energy of plants, and are powerful ways to clear energy in a space, or create the energy you want. LuAnn custom blend essential oils, flower essences, and gemstones to create perfumes or room sprays. Prices begin at $53. Contact her to have a custom blend created for you.
Healing Gemstone Art – A new service to be announce in 2024, LuAnn is using the same methods as in her Sacred Circles jewelry and essential oils blends to create custom artwork to add beauty and energy to your space.
If you have wanted to use sacred bowls for space clearing work, or in meditation practices, this set would allow you to work with all the various chakra energies. Crystal bowls are easy to play and create powerful vibrations and clearing energy. This set also has 2 carrying cases in the event you want to work with clearing energy in places other than your home.
For professional space clearers, walking with a regular bowl can be tiring and and sometimes awkward, These practitioner bowls were developed for sound healers and space clearer to be able to easily walk, move and direct sound.
The F note corresponds to the heart chakra and is a great note for clearing energies as most are related to emotional energies.
Tuning forks are tools used by sound healers as well as space clearing practitioners to focus the power of vibration into dense objeects such as furniture. This set includes forks with weighted ends which allows the sound vibration to be a bit louder and well as last longer. Each chakra energy is represented and easiliy identified with the colors on the forks.
Other Resources:
These are a selection of items that LuAnn recommends to clients or student to enhance their home or working with clients.
825 Lovers Leap Rd
Leechburg PA 15656
(724) 315-2428