Other Offerings
Self Empowerment
There are many way to create additional support or enrich your life:
Sacred Circles Jewelry – LuAnn has sourced some amazing crystal and stone jewelry that makes amazing talisman and empowerment pieces. These unique pieces are cleared, blessed and named and then placed for ‘adoption’. She also custom creates bracelets, using faceted Czech beads and natural gemstone, and your specific intentions. Goddess Oracle cards are pulled at the onset of the bracelets creation to know which goddess supports your intentions, and what message she has for you. Jewelry is created at the new moon or full moon based on the types of intentions. Essential oils, music, and focused prayer and intentions are all a part of the bracelets creation. Bracelets start at $88.
Feng Shui Your Look and Life Coaching – LuAnn is a graduate of Fashion Feng Shui(R), and uses this with her passion for style to assist you in creating a wardrobe that empower you and your desired life. When you can’t change your home, changing your wardrobe, even just a few key items, can make a different in how supported you feel in life. Learn to turn your closet into the sacred space that honors YOU, and makes you feel awesome at the beginning of every day. This offering works best over a series of 3 session on ZOOM, for $599.
Past Life Coaching and Journeys – Sometimes the patterns and challenges we are having are not rooted in this lifetime, but in a past life. Past Life coaching is used to target a lifetime that holds the secret to a reoccurring pattern in life, or could also hold the secret to a talent or ability you have in this lifetime that you have not accessed fully. A session includes a past life journey then coaching on how the information gained in that lifetime can be used to empower your current life. $225 per session.
Clutter Coaching – Our belonging affect our energy. When everything we have feels loved, honored and use, it lifts out energy. When we are surround by items that are not used, not honored, and not loved, it pull down our energy, and the energy of our entire home. Clutter Clearing Coaching is a service that keeps you on track to release what is not needed, and also help you understand why you have kept these things in the first place. Best done as a series of 3 sessions for one room for $599, and can be done via ZOOM.
Oracle Card Readings – Connecting with your guides, angels, or even your own higher self, card readings can assist you in making choices or understanding what is happening in your life, and what steps your can take to move forward. ZOOM session can be recorded for your future reference. Card images and information are sent to you after the session. $225 per hour.
Better Sleep and Dream Coaching – These coaching session can be tailored to exactly what is needed. If you are not sleeping well, there could be feng shui related issue in your bedroom to be addressed, and then items placed in your room to create a sacred energy for sleep and dreams. Learn how to use the information from your dreams in everyday life. Learn how to interpret your dreams, and even keys steps to remembering more of your dreams. Contact LuAnn to set up an initial consultation.
Essential Oils Perfume and Spray blends – Essential oils hold not just the scent but the life force energy of plants, and are powerful ways to clear energy in a space, or create the energy you want. LuAnn custom blend essential oils, flower essences, and gemstones to create perfumes or room sprays. Prices begin at $53. Contact her to have a custom blend created for you.
Healing Gemstone Art – A new service to be announce in 2023, LuAnn is using the same methods as in her Sacred Circles jewelry and essential oils blends to create custom artwork to add beauty and energy to your space.
Red Lotus Mystery School Services – As a graduate of Denise Linn’s Mystery School, LuAnn offers specialized coaching and ceremony for honoring the transitions in your life. If you feel as if the masculine energy of the world is throwing you out of balance, this dive into the divine feminine of creativity, abundance and receptivity could be the key to you harmony.
825 Lovers Leap Rd
Leechburg PA 15656
(724) 315-2428