Soul Coaching (R) Certification

You unlock your Soul’s Joy, and be able to help others find their Soul’s Mission and more joy in life!


You release your own blockages in through and action, and share the secret power of the four element process with others.


You create a new career for yourself in helping others experience more bliss.


You assist your existing clients at a deeper level, through many fun and transformational Soul Coaching Processes 

You become a part of a worldwide community of Soul Coaching® Practitioners to make a difference in the world

Denise Linn and LuAnn Cibik at the Soul Coaching Trainers certification

LuAnn became a certified Soul Coaching® Practitioner in 2003, and then a Trainer in 2016. She has worked closely with Denise Linn since 2003, assisting at various certification programs and events.

LuAnn became certified as a trainer and mentor in many of Denise’s other programs, giving her a depth of knowledge of the roots of Soul Coaching® philosophies.

Next Soul Coaching Certification Program

Unlock the Secret Messages of Your Body Online Group

Start date: January 29, 2025
End date: March 12, 2025
Time: 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Location: ONLINE LIVE (recording available next day)
Soul Coaching® | Workshop
Unlock the secret messages 2025

The Unlock the Secret Messages of Your Body program is one of the 28 day programs created by Denise Linn. This very special Year of the Snake offering is being held by Soul Coaching Master Practitioner and trainer, LuAnn Cibik. The aim in this program is specifically to connect you again with your body, and release any of the negative programming held within your cells. You can unweave the hidden blockages within your DNA to initiate your natural life force energy and your body’s spiritual radiance. This is a LIVE ONLINE weekly group program.

Soul Coaching®Certification – ONLINE with LuAnn and Meadow Linn

Start date: April 5, 2025
End date: November 21, 2025
Time: 12:00 am - 12:00 am
Location: ONLINE
Soul Coaching Certification® | Soul Coaching®

Soul Coaching® is a 28-Day program. In this professional certification training, you learn how to take your own clients and students through this powerful 28-Day program. You will also gain the tools to do one-on-one coaching and set up your own workshops that use the carefully crafted Soul Coaching® curriculum.

This is a professional certification program that will change your life forever!

 Soul Coaching® certification Offered both All Online and Combo Online & Onsite


Beginning in 2022, the Soul Coaching® certification could be offer as both an onsite program, and the all new all online program. The same curriculum is used for both programs. The onsite program starts 7 days as an onsite retreat to immerse in the Soul Coaching® philosophies and also learn how to be a coach. Then, once this 7 days is completed, you return home to do one of the 28 day programs as a distance 6 week program with LuAnn and your classmates to experience the power of this program and also see what to offer online group options.   

The all online course has the same immersive experience with using the 28 day program as a 28 week program. The class meets for 2 full days online monthly, with bi weekly checking as you are doing the program, at a deep level. Practice your coaching skills with classmates, and work on projects together on ZOOM. You will have the same individual attention from LuAnn as class sizes are small an intimate. As you work with your own connect to your soul, and then step into working with clients under LuAnn’s guidance you gain experience and confidence in your skills and application. In this method you do not need to invest in travel and time away from home.

These two methods of certification open the options to training to people all over the world.

The aim of Soul Coaching® is to align your inner spiritual life with your outer life. It’s a system that helps to clear away mental, emotional and physical clutter so you can hear the messages from within. It also helps you discover your purpose so you can design a life that supports that mission.

Soul Coaching® is not therapy. Therapy usually focuses on emotional healing. It’s also different than life coaching, which usually focuses on the attainment of a goal through motivation or inspiration.

Soul Coaching®, however, is different from these practices as its primary aim is to clear away inner debris, so you can discover your own inner wisdom.

Many people associate the word “coach” with the image of someone who drives his athletes towards improvement and perfection. This same model for coaching was fostered when life coaching came into fashion. Traditional life coaches motivate, push, prod, and hold their clients accountable to reach a higher level of excellence. This model of coaching works well in most cases, however, it often can lead to a kind of tiredness of the soul.


As life coaching expanded in popularity, modern businesses were quick to utilize it in their departments – refining techniques of motivation. Coaching seemed to reflect the current trends in modern culture towards faster productivity. However, even with all the latest coaching methods, time saving devices, organization systems, and motivation technology, something was missing.

There was a need for an everyday experience of spirit and a connection to the inner states of intuition, mystery, and wonder.

Hence Soul Coaching® was born.



The Soul Coaching® Curriculum and Tools for your Practice:

Learn how to:

Take people on a Soul Journey to connect to their guides, angels, spirit animal, and more; we do this to assist them in hearing their own Soul’s Truth, and much more

Connect more powerfully and deeply with the FOUR elements of nature, celebrated by native cultures all over the world. Use their power in shifting your thoughts and transforming your life.

Work with Oracle cards to assist clients hear messages from their Soul, and enhance your own spiritual journey.

Facilitate both one-on-one sessions with in person clients, online groups, and in person workshop to make powerful difference in peoples lives.

This intensive certification opportunity gives you the tools created by Soul Coaching Founder Denise Linn for her practitioners to be able work with people in a variety of ways:

28 Day Soul Coaching program, with audio files to support each day’s practice
28 Day Unlock Your Secret Messages of Your Body Program, for health and vitality
28 Day Letting it Go for weight loss program
Sacred Soul Coaching Collage® Program
Special ‘Women in Need’ Soul Coaching Program
Creating various Workshops to create spirit stick, miracle boxes and much more
Effective methods for  Private Coaching
Powerful Soul Journeys to lead your clients on, and much much more 

Here’s just a sample of what is included in the Soul Coaching® Practitioner Manual: 
~ How to Create Effective Soul Journeys; a Sacred Type of Guided Mediation
~ Building Rapport with Clients
~ A Variety of Relaxation Methods
~ Methods to Facilitate Client’s Meeting their Soul Guides
~ The 28-Day Soul Coaching® Program: What it is; How it flows;
~ How to support clients within the 28 days to be the Sacred Observer of their own lives
~ Coaching Groups through the Soul Coaching® Program
~ Using Soul Coaching® methods in a Private Practice
~ Using Soul Coaching Oracle Card with clients
~ What a Soul Coaching Collage® is and How to Facilitate a Workshop
~ Creating a Soul Coaching® Spirit Stick and Facilitate a Workshop
~ Using Bells for Clearing the Chakras
~ Information about use of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy with your students
~ Insights into making Sacred Altars
~ Creating Sacred Space for Private and Classroom Sessions
~ Building Your Coaching Practice
~ Creating an Extraordinary Coaching Relationship
~ And So Much More 

Becoming the Practitioner

Professional Practitioner Business Information

  • How to conduct effective and powerful coaching session
  • Powerful client rapport methods
  • How to connect with clients through marketing and networking
  • Creating your professional image
  • Create the list of services you can offer when you arrive back home
  • Creating a business filled with joy, integrity and ethics
  • Workshop and seminar ideas
  • Basic marketing concepts to launch your practice, and MORE!

Advanced programs in Soul Coaching Certification

Advanced Soul Coaching®

This 6 day program is designed to reignite your passion for Soul Coaching®, while adding more depth, more tools, more practice and more polish.

“When I trained originally back in 2003, over the years I had fabulous clients and powerful sessions with them, but fell into a rut… perhaps you know that rut…. the same way of offering the program, the same Soul Journeys and a routine of the same workshops. Great stuff… but I had forgotten some of the richness and depth at which Soul Coaching can be taken. When I returned to take the Advanced course, I was ready to learn more, experience more, and allow my services as a Soul Coaching Practitioner to really shine! I loved the additional programs, and the many types of workshop ideas, and over the year have done many of them with a lot of joy and success. My intention is that this Advanced course brings Soul Coaching back to life for you!

I will be taking you through the Secret Messages of the Body program while you are here, and you will have that opportunity to peel back another layer of blockages and self limitations… the ones that your body knows… and wants you to know too.

We will review all the aspects of the beautiful new Soul Coaching Practitioner book, with added information, more programs and workshops, and loads of ways to offer powerful sessions to clients.”

Also, if you are interested in becoming a Soul Coaching® Master Practitioner and/or a Soul Coaching® Trainer, the Advanced program is your next step in this process.

Soul Coaching Trainer

Coming in 2023, Advanced Soul Coaching Practitioners will be able to be certified as new Soul Coaching Trainers. Those interested will submit application to the Linn Academy Wisdom council for approval to move to this next level of certification.

For more details, please email LuAnn

Upcoming Certification Programs



Unlock the Secret Messages of Your Body Online Group

Start date: January 29, 2025
End date: March 12, 2025
Time: 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Location: ONLINE LIVE (recording available next day)
Soul Coaching® | Workshop
Unlock the secret messages 2025

The Unlock the Secret Messages of Your Body program is one of the 28 day programs created by Denise Linn. This very special Year of the Snake offering is being held by Soul Coaching Master Practitioner and trainer, LuAnn Cibik. The aim in this program is specifically to connect you again with your body, and release any of the negative programming held within your cells. You can unweave the hidden blockages within your DNA to initiate your natural life force energy and your body’s spiritual radiance. This is a LIVE ONLINE weekly group program.

Soul Coaching®Certification – ONLINE with LuAnn and Meadow Linn

Start date: April 5, 2025
End date: November 21, 2025
Time: 12:00 am - 12:00 am
Location: ONLINE
Soul Coaching Certification® | Soul Coaching®

Soul Coaching® is a 28-Day program. In this professional certification training, you learn how to take your own clients and students through this powerful 28-Day program. You will also gain the tools to do one-on-one coaching and set up your own workshops that use the carefully crafted Soul Coaching® curriculum.

This is a professional certification program that will change your life forever!

Private Training

Private education and even certification is possible. if you don’t see a course on the calendar that fits your needs, please email LuAnn to discuss the possibilities

