Forest Therapy Practitioner Certification
Forest Therapy sometimes also called Forest Bathing is a practice to support healing and wellness through immersion in forests and other natural environments. There is more and more research proving the effectiveness of this practice. Forest Therapy is inspired by the Japanese practice of Shinrin-Yoku.
This practice and certification is one that can be done by people of all fitness level. many people feel they are Forest Bathing when they take a hike, but they are probably not getting all the benefits that true forest bathing session provide.
Many also feel that you must be far from civilization to gain a benefit, leaving this powerful modality not accessible by those with disabilities. Inner Harmony Forest Therapy is one that is accessible to all. It’s a specific practice that allows one to connect with nature and the forest in powerful and scientifically backed ways, designed to have positive effect on the immune system, the stress levels, and overall mental health.

LuAnn Cibik, founder of Inner Harmony School and the Enchanted Living(TM) series of programs and certification, has been ‘leading’ Forest Therapy before it had a name in the USA. The connection with nature and it’s healing benefits are something that she incorporated into her client work in Feng Shui and coaching. Using her woodlands and meadows as a part of every course she holds gives practitioners that grounded reconnection to the natural world. In this program she shares her techniques for allowing anyone to benefit from the practice of being mindful in nature.

I love that you are interested in Forest Therapy!
my gift to you to start your journey…
FREE EBOOK – Inner Harmony Forest Therapy Tips
8 STEPS TO PROFOUND FOREST BATHING EXPERIENCES! This little gem is yours to download and enjoy, as a part of learning more about taking yourself on a Forest Therapy session, and embracing the embodiment of Ambassador to Nature.

Inner Harmony Forest Therapy Certification
Inner Harmony Forest Therapy Practitioner Training gives you both experiences in the forest to have your own empirical evidence of the benefits of the practice. You then learn the science behind how these techniques works, how to guide people on safe and effective forest therapy sessions, and how to pull in the ancient traditions of honoring nature and nature spirits into this work. You will also have information on the latest medical studies on the benefits and effectiveness of this practice. Every Forest therapy session can have a different focus, based on location, plant life, season, time of day or other way your clients will connect with the healing powers of nature.
Forest Therapy is a practice. You will be the ambassador to nature and the energy of trees to those attending your sessions. You will learn to design Forest Therapy sessions to suit your clients, and your surroundings. You will be teaching others a new way to look at trees, shrubs, insects and nature, and the complex system that we humans are a part of, but have forgotten. In Forest Therapy, there is a structure to each session, that give the participants a powerful and unique experience that will continue to draw your clients back for more.
You will be an educator on the practice of forest bathing so that people can do it on their own. But as a Practitioner, you will be offering them the deeper experience of being able to really let go of any focus other that the experience of soaking in nature. As the Practitioner, you will learn how to safely take your clients through an experience. Forest Therapy session are best when 2-4 hours long, and only covering perhaps a 1/4 mile. There is no need for a deep woods experience to have the maximum benefit. In this course you will create you own experiences, and experience the magic and power of nature.

Not everyone has the ability to travel, and this is a program that can be learned over the internet, and practiced in your own forest, park or backyard. Learning the key component and structure to created a connected mindful nature experience is the core curriculum.
You can take the course at your own pace, and enjoy every delicious moment of learning and experience in your own timing. You will be part of the Enchanted Living Forest Therapy community of practitioners and students, and have that opportunity to connect with your peers and LuAnn on questions, ah-ha’s and achievements to be celebrated!
And, you will save money, and save on travel costs. The tradeoff is that you have more homework to write about and turn in ( to verify that you are doing the assigned projects) in order to achieve certification.
This unique course allows you to experience forest bathing and it’s benefits yourself. Then you learn the science behind it, and how to structure powerful experience to meet your needs or the needs of your clients.
This is an excellent additional certification for feng shui practitioners, space clearing practitioners, coaches, therapists, trainers, health care providers and even human resource personal.
Learn how to:
- Learn the science behind what the key ingredients are to a Forest Therapy practice
- Find out the safety practices all Practitioners need to know to insure a great session
- Choose the theme for your Forest Therapy Sesson
- Discover what makes a great space for Forest Therapy, and it can be as easy as your own backyard.
- Create ceremony around with with nature, and giving gratitude to the trees
- Learn basic Qigong practices to enhancing grounding and mindful meditation
- Practice the power of a guided sensory journey for your clients or self during your session
- Learn what times of day, moon cycle or season can promote various healing energy for your session
- Understand more about our tree brother family, and how they connect and communicate, and how they help us
- Step into being the ambassador for your clients back into the natural world
- Learn the basics of Earthing and the benefits to human health
- Understand the basic principals of how energy is connected and why space clearing works.
- Enjoy the playful ways of connecting with the nature spirits such as fairies and unicorns, and how this can enhance any Forest therapy session though activating the imagination
- And much much more!
Becoming the Practitioner

The course is offered in several different formats
- Self Study – all online with downloadable workbook, recorded lectures and homework assignments for you to complete and email to LuAnn for her review. Includes 1 one hour consultation session with LuAnn to ask questions. Graduation at the completion of all assignments. Tuition is $444
- ONLINE 6 week program – all downloadable workbook and lectures as the self study course, but includes a weekly LIVE ZOOM lecture and question and answer time with LuAnn to keep your studies on track! Graduation at the completion of all assignments. Tuition is $888 AUG 2024 PROGRAM IS CURRENTLY OFFERED FOR ONLY $444
- ONSITE – as a 5 day program occasionally held onsite at Inner Harmony or other retreat location. This retreat setting course allows you to step into this practice by experiencing it and them designing and leading your forest therapy session for other classmates. This program does not occur yearly, and fills quickly. Contact LuAnn to be placed on the wait list for the next scheduled session. Tuition is based on retreat location amenities such as lodging and meals.
Upcoming LIVE Programs
There are no upcoming events.
Forest Therapy Graduates Say….
” An awesome experience! Learned so much great info to use with clients. The property is beautiful and LuAnn was so knowledgeable and inspiring! So thankful to have had the opportunity to be a part of that class!”
“As a city girl this experience was a life changer for me. I see and connect to nature so differently now. Thanks to you and thanks to the Forest at Inner Harmony!”
The ONLINE SIX LIVE ZOOM CLASS Certification program

Professional Certification course: LEVEL 1
This online intensive program includes 6 LIVE classes with LuAnn, recorded lectures, reading materials, and instructions for taking yourself on Forest Therapy experience. With over 50 hours of programming, and community of other students, you can feel supported at all levels with your training.
Class size is LIMITED for personal connection and time for your questions to be answered!
You will receive:
- The Digital Forest Therapy Practitioner workbook to download and use for your course
- 18 Audio lessons
- Six 1 hour Class calls with LuAnn with time for personal questions and answers
- Access to previous Forest Therapy Lectures to enhance your depth of knowledge
- List of Resources to continue your learning
- Access to Private Facebook group for Forest Therapy Practitioner to connect and share
- You do not need to have all your assignments completed by the final class date. You have 1 year from the start of the course to complete your certification if you wish.
- You do not need to complete the assignments if you are learning this information for your own enjoyment.
To gain your certifications, you complete and email your assignments to LuAnn for feedback, and then create 4 Forest Therapy sessions that you lead others on, and report back on the experience. You will graduate with your certification at the end of the online programming, with all class assignments and experiences completed.
Your Certificate will be mailed to you.
AUGUST 2024 Tuition: $444 NORMALLY $888
Includes a digital version of the Enchanted Living™ Forest Therapy manual.
Your tuition does not include a short list of additional reference books to purchase (so that you have the option to purchase hard copy or digital).
The ONLINE SELF STUDY Certification program

Professional Certification course: LEVEL 1
This online intensive program includes recorded lectures, reading materials, and instructions for taking yourself on Forest Therapy experience. With over 50 hours of programming, you can take this course at your own pace.
You will receive:
The Digital Forest Therapy Practitioner workbook to download and use for your course
18 Audio lessons
1 hour Coaching/training call with LuAnn
Access to previous Forest Therapy Lectures to enhance your depth of knowledge
List of Resources to continue your learning
Access to Private Facebook group for Forest Therapy Practitioner to connect and share
Self study means you can learn at your own pace, and also choose if you want to fulfill the criteria for certification or just learn this information for your own enjoyment.
To gain your certifications, you complete and email your assignments to LuAnn for feedback, and then create 4 Forest Therapy sessions that you lead others on, and report back on the experience. You will graduate with your certification at the end of the online programming, with all class assignments and experiences completed.
Your Certificate will be mailed to you.
Tuition: $444
Includes a digital version of the Enchanted Living™ Forest Therapy manual. Your tuition does not include a short list of additional reference books to purchase (so that you have the option to purchase hard copy or digital).

From LuAnn:
“Who would believe a gal who loves glitter and high heels would also love nature and being in the woods? I am that gal, and if you are a person who has always felt being in nature was a great concept but a bit scary in practice, then this program could be the one you are looking for.
Many Forest Therapy training programs focus on more deep woods, hiking, living on the land experiences. There is nothing wrong with that, however, it’s not necessary to gain the benefits of nature. It’s been shown that it’s not the amount of miles one covers, but the ‘bathing’ of the experience of individual trees, plants, and rocks. Its the sensory experience. The goal is not a destination… the goal is just being… and the role of the Practitioner of Forest Therapy is to bring the clients senses to focus on the the present, what is in there, living and breathing in this space with them. It’s to reintroduce the concept that humans are a part of nature, the ecosystem, the planet.
I created this program so that more and more people could learn how to effectively use Forest Therapy for themselves, their family, and if they like, leading groups into this experience. As a feng shui, space clearing, and Soul Coaching® teacher, this practices meshes deeply with the understanding of the use of chi/life force energy in our homes and lives.
This program will also bring in the honoring of nature spirits, introduce having totem plants, rock friends, and connecting with the world of fairies, unicorns and more. Creating joy, sparking the imagination, and assisting people to shift a mindset that could be in a rut that is not empowering is an important aspect of this program. We will also cover how to hold a mini quest for yourself and others.
I would be delighted to have you join me in this powerful practice.”
Upcoming LIVE Programs
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