Creating Inner Harmony in your home and life
LuAnn offers personal consultations, coaching and mentoring
Have you ever felt as if you were out of sync with yourself?
That your goals and your real life are not aligned?
That your life is disorganized? That your home feel ‘wrong’?
That nothing seems to go as smoothly as it should?
LuAnn offers a variety of services that can be customize to address the disharmony in your life.

Feng Shui & Space Clearing
Your Outer World
One powerful way to create harmony is through aligning your home and office space with your life’s goals, values and dreams. Your home is a template for your soul, and should support you in what you want to achieve. No matter is you live in one room or a 10,000 foot estate, if your home doesn’t reflect you, you can be making your life more challenging.
Find out how LuAnn can work with you both in person and via ZOOM to provide consulting on your home.
Soul Coaching(R)
Your Inner World
Sometimes our challenges come from within our own minds. When we seem like on the outside we are reaching our goals, but on the inside we are feeling joyless, it’s time for a special kind of coaching that is to help you hear the important messages from your own soul.
This coaching can include guided journeys, card readings, specific processes to create clarity around topics, and challenges. There are also longer coaching programs to take you deeper into hearing your own inner wisdom, and connecting with your guides.
Custom Offerings
Unique personal support
There are many ways to support your growth, goals, and pursuit of Inner Harmony in your life.
Feng shui of clothing, creating your personal sacturary, learning how to sleep and dream in powerful ways, clutter clearing, working with Oracle Cards, designing personal forest bathing sessions, having custom sacred intention jewelry created, or personal art to enhance the energy and intention of your space, are all special offerings to discuss with LuAnn
Personal Growth
Perhaps you are ready for more than coaching or consulting. Perhaps you want to deepen your own knowledge and understanding. Perhaps it’s time to dive into deeper levels of information or even step into a professional certification program.
LuAnn also offers private mentoring and training. She has an Enchanted Living Community with many enrichment offerings.
Contact her with your question of what you might like to do, and we can find a way to work together!

Marc and I were so impressed with you, not only as a feng shui consultant but also as a person with generosity of spirit, and we were so happy to have you visit our home. We found the information you gave us both fascinating and empowering and are excited to begin manifesting your suggestions for this phase.
I was particularly touched by your suggestion about the shadowbox, paint sample chip mosaic, and crystal….As you can see, we are just getting started here, and are looking forward to more visits with you. Meeting you feels like an answer to a prayer for me, it really does.
Best wishes and much gratitude.
– Cheryl
I would love if we could keep in touch!