House Acupuncture Practitioner Certification
Please contact LuAnn to register for this powerful and unique way to heal homes.
House Acupuncture is a specific form of Space Clearing that addresses the energy structure of a building.
Buildings can suffer trauma. This trauma can be in the form of physical trauma from damage, fire, or even renovations. Buildings are also connected to the people and animals who live in the space, and can be affected by the trauma that they suffer.
Emotional energy is something that porous materials, such as wood, paper, fabrics, soft goods absorbs and hold. Even surfaces such as stone flooring, mineral countertops and the ceramics of the space can hold onto negative programming.
While there are many types of space clearing, House Acupuncture addresses the specific structure of the home. Just as there are energy meridians and points used in acupuncture for people, there are energy lines and specific points that energy can be applied to to clear and heal a building.
This course works with the specific tools of sound, scent and crystal grids to teach a practitioner how to work with the energetics of a home or building.

LuAnn Cibik, founder of Inner Harmony School has always been connected to sounds tools as a part of her space clearing practice. she found them very effective when dealing with the building itself being out of balance, or holding on to traumatic energy.
She was encouraged by Denise Linn to create this specific method of working with the energy lines within the home. LuAnn’s husband is a Doctor of Chinese Medicine and the work with acupuncture and meridians is a familiar concept. As LuAnn feels strongly that buildings are beings too, it made sense after her years of work in feng shui and space clearing that building can hold trauma from their own wounds and the emotional energy’s of the beings within.
While normal space clearing practices focus on the various energies within the home for the sake of the human inhabitant, House Acupuncture works with the being that is the building, to release the energy it holds within it’s body, and also create the perfect vibration for all inhabitants.
Inner Harmony House Acupuncture program
Check the Events list below for the next upcoming program


Space clearing is the ancient practice of resetting the energy field of a dwelling using various tools, intentions and processes. Many practices work solely on removing energy from the structure, without addressing the energy of the people who live there. There are also many space clearing practices that are so focused on scrubbing out the old, there is no focus on what intentions you wish to call in.
Our homes are a template for our lives, and indeed our soul to live within. Feng shui can assist us with setting a template for the life we wish to live. But we might not understand the residual energy that exists within the very structure of the building, that could be coloring our lives in an unfavorable way.
House Acupuncture is the process of understanding what has happen to the being that is the building, through it’s construction, the energy of the materials, trauma that has occurred to the structure, and trauma that has occurred within it’s walls.
Buildings are created with porous materials ( wood is very porous) and can retain energy unless it has specifically been cleared out.
Just as Acupuncture is used to help people heal people physically from various trauma ( physical and mental and emotional), the concepts of acupuncture can be applied to buildings to help structures and the people within to also experience wholeness.
Becoming the Practitioner

The course curriculum:
- Preparing yourself to work with the energy of a space
- Guided Journey work to connect with the being that is a Building
- The way sound impacts the human body and the structure of a building
- Working with sound tools, for space clearing
- Working the with concepts of Vibrational Acupuncture as applied to home or business
- Working with crystals for enhancing the energy being called into the space
- Understanding the role essential oils can play in maintaining an energy field
- Understanding the principals of Trauma Informed Practices for use with clients
- And more!
Inner Harmony Graduates Say….
“What an excellent job you did for us on the Feng Shui sound …! The information you provided was so thoughtful, easy to understand and inspiring. I’ve been listening to many of the conference segments, and I must say, yours has truly been the best so far. THANK YOU!”
Don’t wait to register for the next class – SPACE IS LIMITED

Tuition is $888
- Includes 6 one hour LIVE classes with LuAnn
- Many Recorded lectures for deepening your work with energy, understanding how to work with varius tools such as singing bowls and tuning forks, and more.
- House Acupuncture Manual
- And more!
Use the Paypal button below to send you full tuition, or if you prefer, you can contact LuAnn at to register and then send a check to
Inner Harmony, Inc.
825 Lovers Leap Rd.
Leechburg PA 15656
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