Interior Alignment (R) Certification
Interior Alignment® is one of the largest Feng Shui schools in the USA. It’s curriculum covers both feng shui and space clearing. Interior Alignment® was created by Denise Linn, best selling Feng Shui author and speaker. Denise traveled the world compiling information on how to creating healthy and sacred spaces. Several of her best selling books include ‘Feng Shui for the Soul’ and ‘Sacred Space’.
Interior Alignment® (IA) honors ancient knowledge of indigenous people all over the world and at the same time includes training on on 21st century healthy home practices, and how energy works and feels in our modern homes, offices, neighborhoods and cities. We help our clients create a home for their soul, understand the symbolism in their space, and much more. We work with the energy of nature, with Biofilic design principals before that became popular.

Denise Linn and LuAnn Cibik after a certification event in London UK.
LuAnn became a certified Interior Alignment(R) Practitioner in 2002, and then a Master Teacher in 2003. She has worked closely with Denise Linn since then, assisting at various certification programs and events.
LuAnn became certified as a trainer and mentor in many of Denise’s other programs, giving her a depth of knowledge of the roots of Interior Alignments philosophies.
Interior Alignment® certification Offered both All ONline and Combo Online & Onsite
Beginning in 2022, the Interior Alignment certification could be offer as both an onsite program, and the all new all online program. The same curriculum is used for both programs.
COMBINATION PROGRAM: The onsite program starts with weekly online ZOOM classes to allow you to learn the basics and apply them to your own home. Then you come onsite to be hands on with tools, clients, business practices and much more. It is an immersive and life changing experience to be stepping into the realm of working with energy.
ALL ONLINE PROGRAM: The all online course has the same immersive experience with weekly 6 hour Live ZOOM class, with reading and homework assignments. You will have the same individual attention from LuAnn as class sizes are small and intimate. As you work with your own home, and then step into working with clients under LuAnn’s guidance you gain experience and confidence in your skills and application. In this method you do not need to invest in travel and time away from home.
These two methods of certification open the options to training to people all over the world.
Interior Alignment® certification begins with one of these powerful specialties:
Instinctive Feng Shui™ uses color, scent, sounds, symbolism, shapes, and the concepts of how energy moves through a space; what makes it move fast, what makes it slow down, what causes it to get stuck. And how each of these conditions affects the people who live or work there.
Seven Star Blessing Space Clearing™ is the process to remove stagnant, heavy or disruptive energy forces from a building. We integrate this with house blessings, and other method to consecrate spaces and allow the desired energy to stay and blossom in a space.
Both of these practices use a guided visualization process called Synchro-Alignment™ to connect your client with their own wisdom and guidance, and provides a profound result just used on it’s own.
Certified Practitioner of Interior Alignment® (CPIA): Both of these certifications are considered the Full Certified Practitioner of Interior Alignment Certification. Inner Harmony offers these courses separately and also combined into one Double CERTIFICATION!
Programs are offered separately, or in special programs for double certification. Once you have take both, you are considered an Interior Alignment® Practitioner, and can go on to the advanced levels of training. LuAnn has been certifying IA practitioners since 2004, and has held more classes that any other teacher. Her students have gone on to become Master Teachers themselves.
I feel so happy and blessed that I’ve trained with you. You are truly and amazing teacher and educator

Your first step in Interior Alignment Certification
Instinctive Feng Shui™

History of feng shui in the world
Yin/Yang spaces
What is Chi
Using the Five Elements as tools to understand and change a space,
Basic principals of arrangement and chi flow, the Bagua and how to create a space that supports the clients needs
Form Feng Shui, the energy of shapes and patterns
Feng Shui of the land
Feng Shui for the home
Feng shui for business
Use of colors, shapes, symbols and other aspects of space in a home for creation of balance and energy
Metaphors in the home and how they influence the clients
Symbolism of art and photos in a space
The power of light and color and the energy it creates in a space
Reading and working with complex floor plans
Performing a supervised client consultation
Discovering changes you can make to your own home
Seven Star Blessing Space Clearing™

Connecting with energy
Reading energy of a space
Working with the four elements of nature air-fire-water-earth to understand how their energy can be used to shift and change a space
Creating meaningful altars
Connecting with your guides, totems and angels
Creating blessing ceremonies
Learning to use various methods and tools for clearing space and setting intention
How to prepare yourself for safe, powerful and effective space clearings
Dealing with ghosts and other energies
Remote space clearing techniques
Dowsing work
In both courses:

Our connection to our home:
- How we are linked to our homes
- How to create a home for the soul
- Using Synchro-Alignment™ processes to assist your client’s connection and understanding of their home, and is messages for them
- Using this connection to understand what our clients need, and how to assist them in creating this template
Healthy Home Concepts:
- The powerful uses of nature and it’s cycles on uplifting human health
- The important of natural light and effects of artificial lighting
- How harmful chemicals gain entrance to your home
- Locating EMF’s by using a EMF reader and how to limit their negative impact on health
- Using safe and natural means to clean the air
- Building and remodeling information for creating a natural and healthy home
- The power of clutter clearing and how to be a clutter clearing coach for your clients,
Professional Practitioner Business Information
- How to conduct effective and powerful consultations
- How to connect with clients through marketing and networking
- Creating your professional image
- Create the list of services you can offer when you arrive back home
- Creating a business filled with joy, integrity and ethics
- Workshop and seminar ideas
- Basic marketing concepts to launch your practice, and MORE!
Advanced programs in Interior Alignment Certification
Advanced Interior Alignment®
Medicine Wheel Feng Shui™ Certification

Advanced Interior Alignment Course is designed to expand practitioners skills, and grow in their abilities and confidence with the four elements, synchro-alignment practices and their ability to use shamanic feng shui practices.
This course also certifies you as a MEDICINE WHEEL FENG SHUI™ PRACTITIONER, providing new ways to conduct powerful consultations based on the medicine wheel and a four element house system.
This program is available to anyone who already has completed their Certified Practitioner of Interior Alignment training ( in both feng shui and space clearing) for 6 months. Why 6 months? So that you have time to integrate your new knowledge and experience consultations and clearing using this information for yourself and hopefully many others.
This is a DOUBLE certification program created by Denise Linn. The Advanced IA program takes you deeper into the use of the Five elements, ways to step into the role of the shaman as you work with the land and homes. The Medicine Wheel Feng Shui Practitioners offers you another method of doing powerful consultations and ceremony for your clients, especially those that resonate with a four element or Native American approach.
The Curriculum:
The Advanced Interior Alignment® certification program is a 5 day on site training expanding on the core of your Interior Alignment practice.
We begin by reviewing the information in your fabulous IA Practitioner manual. You can begin this at home prior to arriving, so that any questions about material can be easily addressed.
Then we expand into the new Advanced IA material deepening your connection to nature though sound, scent and pattern. The Synchro-Alignment® processes in this section provide profound journeys for your growth and connection to the divine. You will truly be stepping into the role of the shaman, through shape shifting, and connection to all the element of nature. You will learn powerful journey to take your clients on to allow them to deepen their connection to their home, and their guides and guardians.
Your awareness will expand and deepen as you delve deeper into the art of client rapport, connect even more deeply with the energy of the earth, the air, the water and the fire.
The next section of the course provides certification in Medicine Wheel Feng Shui. This method uses the energy of the four elements to understand and harmonize a space, providing a new and powerful methods for doing consultations. Medicine Wheel Feng Shui was created by Denise Linn, based on her best selling book ‘Feng Shui for the Soul’, with deeper inner work, invoking the process of more shamanic work and phenomenal methods to bring this information to life.
The second section of this course is teaching you specially how to perform a Medicine Wheel feng shui approach to a home or business. This is a unique, simple and powerful technique to use with clients who might not be interested in the traditional 5 element and Bagua approach, but connect more deeply with a four element system, and the cycles of nature.
Master Teacher of
Interior Alignment

LuAnn Cibik is one of the few Master Educators of Interior Alignment and is able to offer you the ability to become a Master Teacher of Interior Alignment, able to teach and certify new practitioner level students (CPFS, CPSC, CPIA).
To qualify for this course, you must hold a CPIA and AIA level of certification.
Applications for Master Teacher Training are available on the website, outlining all requirements for candidates.
For more details, please email LuAnn
graduate community
Private Training
Private education and even certification is possible. if you don’t see a course on the calendar that fits your needs, please email LuAnn to discuss the possibilities