Soul Coaching® Group Experience – Welcome the Dragon!

Soul Coaching® Group Experience – Welcome the Dragon!

Date: January 14, 2024
Time: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Location: ONLINE
Soul Coaching® | Soul Coaching® Group Program | Workshop

🌟 Welcome the year of the Wood Dragon! 🌈

🌺 Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey and manifest your best life? Join LuAnn Cibik, an Advanced Soul Coaching® Practitioner, in a guided exploration of your soul's desires through the empowering 28-Day Soul Coaching® Program!

What to Expect:

  • Daily Soul Connection: Immerse yourself in a daily ritual of connecting with your soul's true desires, as well as with LuAnn and the other members of your group through group email (no worries- your email address stay private)
  • Powerful Affirmations and Guided Soul Journeys: Harness the transformative power of positive affirmations to shift your mindset, with recorded meditations from Denise Linn, only available to Soul Coaching® clients!
  • Daily Activities: Engage in purposeful activities to break free from old belief patterns and embrace positive change. In as little as 15 minutes a day, awaken the you that you want to be in 2024!
  • Journaling for Transformation: Witness the magic unfold as you journal your way to a more inspired and purposeful life. Gratitude and Joy are a key to unlocking the future you desire!

🏠 Clutter Clear Your Home and Life: Take a step-by-step journey to declutter your surroundings, creating space for newfound clarity and positive energy. Prepare to leap into the Year of the Dragon with a refreshed mindset and ready for action!

💖 Invite Love, Personal Power, Connection, Abundance, and Your Desires: Discover the keys to hearing your own Soul's truth. This program is tailored to Make the most of the last weeks of the Year of the Rabbit, and welcome in the energy of the Wood Dragon.

🌈 Why Soul Coaching®? Soul Coaching® is a powerful, accessible process for anyone seeking meaning and sacredness in everyday life. It empowers you to face fears, release old patterns, and joyfully step into a future filled with purpose.

🌐 Flexible and Accessible:

  • Receive daily emails with meditation links.
  • Lifetime Support Soul Tribe FB Group: Connect with like-minded souls for ongoing support and inspiration.
  • Sunday Zoom Calls: Join group coaching sessions and weekly check-ins.

📅 Start January 14th!  Every Sunday we will have a LIVE ZOOM class gathering from 11-12 ET. (If you can't make it, the intro information for the week will be recorded for you to watch later) Share your adventures with your classmates. There is power in community. Connect with LuAnn here to ask questions and dive deeper into your discoveries.

🌟 Ready to Begin? Transform your life and become part of a supportive community. Embrace the magic within you and start your Soul Coaching journey today!

Enroll Now!

Only $295 for this 8 week adventure with:

  • Daily emails of affirmations and an oracle card of the day
  • Online access to powerful meditations, your weekly Soul Coaching Program and journal book
  • A private email group for just this class
  • A private Facebook group with your classmates to further share this adventure
  • BONUS: LuAnn will share feng shui information for the year 2024 to help empower your home to support your goals for this year
  • BONUS: Set up a 15 minute oracle card reading with LuAnn around your key goal for 2024

Enroll Now!

🌈 Empower Your Present. Transform Your Future. 🌟

Message from Denise Linn, Founder of Soul Coaching about 2024:

The energy of 2024 will be a year of action, birth and rebirth. It is the year of the Dragon. And a Dragon year is an expansive year. The soil you tilled in 2023 and seeds you planted, will be the fertile ground for your dreams and your intentions to rapidly sprout and take root in 2024. For an acorn to become a mighty tree it must have fertile soil. Whatever you put energy into in 2023 – until mid February 2024 – will grow. If 2023 was a messy year for you and you didn’t take care of the details in your life, my suggestion is to clutter clear all aspects of your life with passion in the next two months. There is still time, as we reach the end of this cycle. Clear the dross out of your life, and prepare to begin anew, with the approaching coming energies of 2024.
2024 can be a year of spiritual awakening! This is also a year to stand your ground. It is a year to step into your strength. Be willing so step up. Step into your nobility. Hold the energy of “Who I am is enough, just as I am!” Wear this like a banner (for it is true!)
This is a year of power! It’s a Wood Dragon year and wood energy can represent rapid growth. It is a year for your latent talents and abilities to emerge, for your inner strengths to emerge. If you are a people pleaser and you tend to sacrifice your well-being to the detriment of yourself (and for for the well being of others), this IS the year to let that pattern go!
Release relationships that drain you and/or people that do not support you. Have compassion toward yourself. The ideas and dreams that you nurture this year can emerge to be great things in the decades ahead. It’s not necessarily a year to charge forward like a charging bull, it’s more a year of opening your heart to spiritual energies and to the wellspring of creativity within you.
Follow your instincts, but be careful about being impulsive and hot-headed. 2024 can be a year of ups and downs, but with keep going forward with an open heart.
If you prepare for it, in the next two months, by clearing out what you don’t need in life, it can be smooth sailing, if you do not—a roller coaster may await you in 2024. (But hey, roller coasters can be fun!) If there is great upheaval in your life, it might not be necessarily bad, sometimes u upheaval is needed for new growth. It’s difficult for new seeds to grow in hard-packed soul, for example."
Enroll Now! in LuAnn's very special Welcome the Wood Dragon Year Adventure! Experience the power of Soul Coaching®!
The Feng Shui of Rocks and Crystals

The Feng Shui of Rocks and Crystals

Date: November 4, 2023
Time: 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Location: 3 Rivers Psychic Fair, Comfort Inn, Penn Hills, Pa

Rock your home and life by understanding the power of crystals in your environment! Crystals can be used in your home, or your personal wardrobe, to provide grounding, security, protection and much more. Your rock friends provide Earth energy in feng shui, but each has their own special talents.

If you love rocks and crystals, understand how to position them in your home for the best use of their particular skills.

We will also do a short Synchro-Alignment journey with your home to find out what message it has for you.  And, learn about the power of the crystals you might not have thought about that are already there.


Feng Shui your Home Workshop!

Feng Shui your Home Workshop!

Date: November 11, 2023
Time: 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Location: ONLINE

Join LuAnn Cibik, Master Educator of Feng Shui and Space Clearing, for this personalized workshop to bring better health, vibrancy and happiness to your home.

This 3 hour program is designed to give information around how to create your home as a template for the life you want, with specific information around health and vibrancy. Then each participants home or other specific space ( like an office) will be used to talk about the feng shui best placement for objects for command position, issues around symbolism and the energy of the five elements, giving each person a customized feng shui recommendation around one specific question in their life.

You dont need to know anything about feng shui to attend. What is helpful is know what you would like to be different in your LIFE (such as better relationships) not what room you want to remodel. However, if you are planning a remodel, now is the time to discover how to make that space the most empowering it can be for you!

If you cannot be at the live event, you can submit your floorplan, your life challenge or question, and also photos that LuAnn will direct your for prior to the class so be able to give the best recommendation.

Event starts at 2pm ET on November 11, 2023

Register now using Paypal. Only $88

Inner Peace Retreat Day

Inner Peace Retreat Day

Date: August 30, 2023
Time: 10:00 am - 6:00 pm
Location: Inner Harmony

Do you need to create more Inner Peace?

You might not be able to change your job, situation or other external circumstances, but you can learn how to cultivate Inner Peace. Join us for an informative and experiential day on the 88 acre Inner Strength and Inner Harmony campus to bring more Inner Peace in your life.

No matter what swirls around you, you can use these many techniques to create more peace within you. This day includes both informational lectures from our areas top experts, as well as experiential events to end the day with a peace-filled heart and mind.

For one price enjoy all the workshops and experiences included!

Early Bird discount to register before August 31 – $88

Registration for all events and experiences – $144 starting Sept 1

Register with the Link Below!

Lecture / Workshops:

Ted Cibik. DMQYour Mind, Body and Stress

LuAnn Cibik, MEIARock and Crystals for Inner Peace

Shanna L. Aughenbaugh, MA, NCC, LPC, CCTPEquine Therapy for Inner Peace

Felicia D’Haiti, MTIAClearing Clutter, Finding Peace:How to Create Serene Spaces in Your Home

Ken Johnson, DMQ – Creating a Grounding Practice

LeeAnn Kohler, DMQ – Energetics and Pet Care

Dan Mangus, L.AC. Acupuncture can be used for Inner Peace


Experiential Programs include:

Qigong Exercise/ Movement – One of the Five Animal Frolics
Forest Bathing session
Equine Therapy experience
Qigong Table Tonifications
Oracle Card Readings
Crystal Singing Bowl Sound bath for Chakra Clearing

Vendor Shopping too!


Early Bird discount to register before August 31 – $88

Registration for all events and experiences – $144 starting Sept 1

Register with the Link Below!

Feel free to also mail a check with your registration to:

Inner Strength

825 Lovers Leap Rd

Leechburg PA 15656