Certified Practitioner of Instinctive Feng Shui® (CPFS )

Certified Practitioner of Instinctive Feng Shui® (CPFS )

Start date: August 11, 2025
End date: October 28, 2025
Time: 12:00 am
Location: ONLINE
Instinctive Feng Shui Certification | Interior Alignment®


Class Dates: August 11 - Oct 28, 2025

Classes on Monday & Tuesdays

You are invited to a unique and memorable experience, immerse yourself in the study of Instinctive Feng Shui course in the comfort of your own home!

This professional level certification course will be held over 18 3-hour LIVE online sessions,

You will have reading and homework assignments, and enjoy doing 3 supported feng shui consultations on your way to graduation. Learn how to do powerful in-person and distance consultations with your future clients, as well as other powerful services to offer them.

This professional level course allows you to step into your mastery in feng shui, without having to travel or take time away from home.

Registration deadline July 31

Tuition Price: $3950 - inclusive of all course materials and student kit


Early Registration Discount and Save your Seat!

Register before July 1, with $1000 deposit and get a $400 discount off the tuition price!


This Unique Experience Includes:

  • 18 3-hour class times online LIVE courses with LuAnn and your classmates, to be able to interactively learn this ancient process of working with the energy of homes
  • Weekly optional private connection to LuAnn to ask any questions about the assignment or observations you want to share privately.
  • Three supported feng shui consultations, supported by LuAnn so that you can confidently do this work with clients after graduation
  • Your Interior Alignment® Practitioner Kit, with your practitioner manual, tote bag, pen, and other goodies to help you during your course and stepping confidently into your practice
  • You receive the powerful  Interior Alignment® Practitioner manual, including our unique bagua for the Southern Hemisphere.
  • Recorded guided journeys by LuAnn to use to connect deeper with the energy of nature and your home.
  • Weekly assignments that allow you to step by step work on your own home, and understanding its energy.


This Instinctive Feng Shui Certification Includes:

This course enables you:

  • Understand the power of nature within a home and it's use in feng shui
  • Understanding Healthy Home concepts and key aspects to check with every client for their health and well-being
  • Understand how to help client create safe and healthy homes, and ways to remediate problems
  • Connect in a powerful way with clients to provide the ultimate in consultation services
  • Services in addition to the standard feng shui analysis to offer to clients, such as Synchro-Alignment, Clutter Clearing, and more
  • Powerful ways to work with floor plans, the bagua and five elements
  • Ways to structure your feng shui consulting services to bring you joy and income
  • Becoming a member of the Interior Alignment® Practitioner private Facebook Group and the Linn Academy Facebook group, with marketing opportunities on those websites.

TRANSFORM into the PRACTITIONER by accessing your TALENTS and SKILLS!

"I believe the world needs Interior Alignment® practitioners; today than ever before.  As a feng shui practice that honors native traditions of all lands, understands 21st century living and health home practices, we are the best at making each home a sacred space!

While the 'feng shui' trend is back on the rise, according to Hay House, and there is a significant rise in conscious living, and Interior Alignment is the system positioned to assist people in this way. We honor the old traditions while recognizing we live in a modern world." - LuAnn Cibik, Master Educator of Interior Alignment


Classes are LIVE and you need to attend all classes for graduation. If classes must be missed, there is a responsibility to watch the recorded portions, and do all assignments. They also may be required private class time with LuAnn at an additional $150 an hour.

Read More about the full curriculum

Tuition: $3950

Tuition includes all class materials needed and some bonus goodies to enhance your office and support your practice.

I accept payment for course via check, but I can also accept Visa and MasterCard using Paypal.

Course Withdrawal Policy:

In case of student withdrawal:

  • If cancellation is any time on or before July 31 a full refund will be issued, minus a $100 processing fee, once the course materials are returned.
  • If the cancellation after July 31 the deposit can be applied to an upcoming course, or a portion of the deposit may be refunded based on the amount of supplies that have already been purchased and or mailed for the class.
  • Payment in full for the course is due by Aug 11, 2025 (or tuition payment arrangement paid so that tuition is paid in full by  Oct 27, 2025)
  • If the student must cancel after Aug 11, 2025 no refund on the course is issued. However the student may apply their tuition to a future certification course by LuAnn. A portion of the tuition may not be transferable based on the amount of materials and supplies  that have already been purchased/reserved  for the class.
  • All live classes must be attended. In case of emergency and class is missed the student must watch the recorded class and have an hour session with LuAnn at an additional cost of $150 to answer questions about the class to insure competence in the material.
  • If a student leaves the course through cancellation or by missing classes without making them up, they must return the Interior Alignment® Practitioner manual, as this is copyright protected materials.
QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS: What if there is a class time that I cannot attend over these 3 months?

If you let me know ahead of time, classes can be recorded, and you will be responsible to watch. We will have a private session, where you have that opportunity to ask questions and LuAnn will verify that you have gotten the concepts from that session (at $150 per hour). There are weekly classes for 2 months, then 3 weeks where you work on your own on your client consultation, where you will have a private session with LuAnn on ZOOM to review you client recommendations. Then a final week of classes occurs for graduation.

Why kind of technology do I need to attend this class?

You will need to be able to use ZOOM (a free program) on video, meaning you will need either a smartphone, ipad or computer with a video camera. While I will share various software tools one can use to create reports and other deliverables to clients, there is no need to have any of these to do your consultations needed for graduation.

Is this a recorded class that I can learn at my own pace?

No, this  class is focused and formatted for live class participation, interaction and assignments. In order to graduate, all assignments are due 3 days prior to our last class session.  With this Interior Alignment(R) certification, the personal connection between teacher and student is an important part of passing down this legacy of sacred work.

If you are interested in doing a class at your own pace, contact me about setting up a private training schedule, where we can work at your pace with our scheduled live times. Private training in this course is $5300, due to the 60 hours of private instruction. Contact me at 724-316-2428 to discuss the plan that would work for you.

How to I register?

PLACE your DEPOSIT  here!

Certified Practitioner of Interior Alignment® (CPIA )

Certified Practitioner of Interior Alignment® (CPIA )

Start date: January 15, 2024
End date: January 21, 2024
Time: 12:00 am - 12:00 am
Location: Inner Harmony
Feng Shui and Space Clearing Certification | Interior Alignment®

Professional Feng Shui and Space Clearing Certification course

This Private and Intimate Course provides DOUBLE certification as
Instinctive Feng Shui™ Practitioner
Seven Star Blessing Space Clearing™ Practitioner

The Online Portion of the Course: Begins the week of January 15th, 2024

( exact dates on times of online class will be determined based on what works for all students enrolled)

The Onsite Retreat Portion of the course:  April 21-27, 2024

Tuition Price: $5400 All Inclusive

EARLY BIRD TUITION--- register before December 15th with $1000 deposit and tuition is only $4800!

This is a course limited to only 4 students, to provide a personalized experience for you and your home.

Through the 10 online concept lessons you learn powerful feng shui concepts for your home, effective space clearing techniques and ways to connect with your intuitive self.  There will be a weekly ZOOM LIVE class ( which will be recorded for repeat review as needed) There are weekly reading assignments and then homework assignments using your own home. You will be in an e-group online with your classmates, in order to share your revelations about your home and yourself, and  ask questions in this online classroom setting.  And you will have LuAnn's constant support along the way.

This online portion give you the taste of how feng shui changes feels, what a home feels like after a space clearing, and what kinds of issues and challenges as well as ease and benefits might come up for your clients as their work on their home.

Arrive April 20, 2024 by 5pm to Pittsburgh Airport for shuttle to LuAnn's home and retreat center - Graduation Noon on April 27, 2024

Once the internet portion is completed, you will spend 7 days with me at my home and 88 acre retreat center in Leechburg PA, USA. We are about 45 minutes north east of Pittsburgh PA.

We take the information to a deeper level, and invoke your ability to step into the role of the master. During this time we learn how to apply feng shui knowledge when working with clients, the ways to make your client experience powerful and profound and bring them back for more, have actual consultations, space clearings and refine your Synchro-Alignment™ skills with clients.

You experience creating and performing blessing ceremonies, build meaningful altars, practice with many tools, including bells, drums, crystals and essential oils and may more.

You will become proficient at working with a variety of floor plans and using the Bagua.

You will learn how to recognize how the energy is feeling and flowing in spaces, and what to do to shift and change the energy to be what the client needs. You will take all your skills and talents and create recommendations for clients that incorporate symbolism, color, arrangement and more. We will work with both residential and commercial clients.

You  will feel adept with using Space Clearing tools and methods and confident in your ability to shift and change the energy of a space!

Most importantly, You will have the time and personal attention to have your questions and concerns answered. With the limited number of students in this course, you can feel that all your questions will be answered.  I love connecting with each of my students so that I can truly empower them.

You will learn many techniques for space clearing and finding answers using Synchro-Alignment skills with clients, as well as to better understand yourself and connect with the energy of your surroundings.

You will expand your understanding of both the four element system and five element system of defining the energy of a space, using the Bagua to assess the energy impact on both homes and businesses, and experience working with clients and conducting a full consultation.  We will cover real life situations and how to adjust the energy using objects, color, arrangement and intention.

We will explore the deeper meanings of colors, symbols, astrology, numerology, and incorporate information on healthy homes. We will tour the local area, looking at the natural and manmade influence of chi on a space. You will learn many techniques to sense and work with the energy of a space, and skills to strengthen your ability to sense energy.

Completion of all online concept lessons and onsite assignments earns you your certification as a Certified Practitioner of Interior Alignment®.


This certification gives you the ability to become a part of our professional Interior Alignment® organization and stay connected to great feng shui practitioners from all over the world, sharing tips and support. This is such a valuable part of the program, as you never need to feel alone in your love of feng shui and space clearing. You will hear about new developments in healthy homes, more details on tools and techniques, and much much more! You also have the opportunity to market yourself on the Interior Alignment(R) and Linn Academy websites, and participate in our conferences as a presenter!

Tuition Price: $5400 All Inclusive

Tuition covers all course materials, tours and meals daily during our onsite program. It also includes lodging at  CHI House, the lovely and rustic restored farm house on our property that we use for students in our program. It also include airport shuttle to and from the Pittsburgh International Airport.

When comparing courses, please make sure you compare that this is an ALL INCLUSIVE experience... Just arrive and enjoy!


Course Withdrawal Policy:

In case of student withdrawal:

If cancellation is any time on or before Jan 15, 2024 a full refund will be issued, minus a $100 processing fee.

If the cancellation after Jan 15, 2024,  the deposit / tuition payment can be applied to an upcoming course, or a portion of the deposit/ tuition may be refunded based on the amount of supplies that have already been purchased for the class.

If the participant must cancel after April 1, 2024,  no refund on the tuition is issued. However the student may apply their tuition to a future certification course by LuAnn. A portion of the tuition may not be transferable based on the amount of lodging and supplies  that have already been purchased/reserved  for the class,

If a student needs to leave the onsite course due to an emergency, they may come back to the next scheduled same certification level class at Inner Harmony and take the onsite portion to attain their certification free of charge. If they wish to compete training sooner, they may schedule private makeup sessions, which will be at an addition fee based on number of days needed, food and lodging. The student who does not choose to complete the course may not keep their course materials as these are copy written materials for Interior Alignment(R) Professional Practitioners.