Resources and other fun things!


I am delighted to connect with you and I hope you enjoy this little booklet for preparing for a fabulous new year!

A part of the booklet talks about making noise to clear the space for the new year. Please enjoy this BONUS list below of the tools you might use for making some new years noise!

Happy New Year!


Space Clearing With Sound


Steps for Space Clearing:

1. Preparation – choosing your tools based on what energy you want to call in, creating an intention altar to represent the life you want, and prepare your self with shifting your energy to feel like how you want your life to feel

2. Clear your space,

3. Offer your gratitude and then state your prayers/affirmations of how you wish your life to feel

4. Look for ways to preserve this new energy in your space. ( this includes energy from nature, and feng shui)


Sounds tool – a short list:

  • clapping
  • drumming
  • click sticks
  • rain sticks
  • rattles
  • metal singing bowls/gongs
  • bells
  • wind chimes
  • carillon bells
  • tuning forks
  • tingshas
  • hand metal drums and chimes
  • crystal bowls and practitioner bowls
  • crystal pyramids

NOTES / Chakras and Hz

While this seems like it should be an easy subject… it’s tricky, because instruments can be tuned using different Frequencies.

Solfeggio Tuning Fork Frequencies – Cheat Sheet

Solfeggio Hz



174 hz SKY:

Soul Purpose / Merkaba Meditation – Security and Love 


285 hz UT

Root Chakra / Vitality Courage / DNA healer Restoration and Tissue Repair

C note

396 hz RE:

Sacral Chakra / Creativity Relationship – Liberating Guilt and Fear, emotional release to turn grief into joy. Cleanses the feeling of guilt. 

D Note

417 hz MI:

Solar Plexus Chakra/ Balance Understanding –clear trauma and move forward with changes needed in your life. Your identity is strengthened

E Note

528 hz FA

Heart Chakra / Love Healing – Transformation and Miracles (DNA Repair)

This frequency is known as the love frequency. It removes negative energy and increases love and peace. It helps with increased energy, clarity of mind, creates deep inner peace, activates your imagination, better sleep, opens the heart to heal, decreases stress, increases awareness and clarity, activates spiritual enlightenment, and allows you operate for your highest and best good.


F Note

639 SOL

Throat Chakra / Willpower Communication – Connecting and Relationships Helps people with relationship problems whether with friends, family, partner, etc. It helps to promote understanding, tolerance and love, and brings together harmony, peace and joy even over distances.

G note

741 LA

Third Eye Chakra / Intuition Knowledge – Expression and Solving Problems

Remove blockages of self expression which help with emotional healing,and solving problems.

A note

852 XI

Crown Chakra / Guidance Spirituality –

Return to Spiritual Order. Promotes unconditional love, It increases awareness and spiritual experiences


B Note

963 LAND

Pituitary Chakra / Universal Connection – Communication with the Divine 

High B5



I also invite you to check out all my offerings, including upcoming certifications in Feng Shui, Space Clearing, and my recorded informational classes in the Enchanted Living, as well as my LIVE online community.

Forest Therapy Certification ONLINE with LIVE ZOOM Classes

Start date: August 21, 2024
End date: October 9, 2024
Time: 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm
Location: ONLINE
Forest Therapy | Forest Therapy Certification
enchanted living 2022(34)

Become a Forest Therapy Practitioner! If you have always loved nature, or believe in the power of nature to heal, this course will give you even more tools for connecting with nature, and also holding power events for others. This is an excellent additional certification for feng shui practitioners, space clearing practitioners, coaches, therapists, trainers, […]

House Acupuncture: Sound Space Clearing

Start date: September 6, 2024
End date: October 11, 2024
Time: 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm
Location: ONLINE
House Acupuncture | House Acupuncture Certification
enchanted living 2022(35)

House Acupuncture: Vibrational Space Clearing
How to clear trauma and other energy from your home!
This powerful 6 week LIVE ONLINE program will step you into the practice of Space Clearing, and then specifically how to use the power of sound in clearing the actual Being that is in the Home. While we think about the space within the home in clearing, often times we don’t focus on the energy of trauma that is being held within the body of the home itself. It works on understanding that the home has its own points and places that need the energy released, just as how acupuncture works to release energy in the human body.

Certified Practitioner of Instinctive Feng Shui® (CPFS )

Start date: September 9, 2024
End date: November 26, 2024
Time: 12:00 am - 12:00 am
Location: ONLINE
Instinctive Feng Shui Certification | Interior Alignment®
enchanted living 2022(22)

REGISTRATION DEADLINE : Aug 26, 2024 Class Dates: Sept 9 – Nov 26, 2024 Classes on Monday & Tuesdays, from 9 am – Noon ET You are invited to a unique and memorable experience, immerse yourself in the study of Instinctive Feng Shui course in the comfort of your own home! This professional level certification […]